Esperanza – Providing World Class Speech and Occupational Therapy

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Behavioral and Conduct Disorders

Understanding Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Challenging behaviors can impact every area of development in children, from making friends to succeeding in school. While all children may test the limits at one time or another, it is those patterns that are defiant or aggressive and ongoing that deserve professional attention and support. We adopt a comprehensive approach through psychology, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and early intervention to help children manage symptoms and bring about positive behavioral changes.
What are Behavioral and Conduct Disorders?
Challenging behaviors in childhood may be indicative of underlying difficulties in how a child relates to their peers and copes with the everyday. Aggressive or defiant acts, if sustained over time, become a pattern of behavior that will impede relationships and social expectations. The earlier we are able to offer professional help, the better the outcomes for the child and family.
Common Symptoms of Behavioral and Conduct Disorders:
  • Aggressive Behavior
  • Destructive Behavior
  • Violation of Rules

If your child exhibits any of the above behaviors, early intervention through therapies like social skills therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy can help address the underlying issues.

Causes of Behavioral and Conduct Disorders: Understanding the Root Factors

Understanding the causes of behavioral and conduct disorders is crucial to creating an effective treatment plan. At Esperanza, we work closely with families to identify the factors contributing to their child’s behavior and to provide the necessary support. By focusing on early intervention and personalized therapies, we help children improve their emotional regulation, social skills, and overall well-being.

Common Causes of Behavioral and Conduct Disorders:

Neurological Factors: Neurological conditions, such as ADHD, autism, or mood disorders, may be contributing factors to behavioral disorders.
Environmental Factors: Symptoms may be exacerbated by stressful family relationships, bullying, or academic pressure
Genetic Predisposition: The children are also more prone if there is a history of psychiatric disorders in their family.

Our speech therapy and occupational therapy services address many of these contributing factors, helping children develop healthier emotional responses and coping strategies.

Diagnosis of Behavioral and Conduct Disorders

Proper diagnosis is key to effective treatment. At Esperanza, our team of child psychologists and behavioral therapists in Dubai offers comprehensive assessments to diagnose behavioral disorders and determine the most effective course of treatment.

Behavioral and Conduct Disorder Diagnosis and Assessment:
Behavioural Evaluations: Comprehensive observation for the diagnosis of conduct disorders and underlying causes for problematic behavior.
Parent Interviews: Explore family dynamics and the childs behavior patterns in varied settings: home and school.
Parental Interaction Evaluation: Understanding parent-child interactions helps tailor parent management techniques.
Referral for
Further Evaluations: We refer children for further evaluations by specialists in autism, ADHD, or other developmental disorders.
Treatment Methods for Behavioral and Conduct Disorders Include:
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Focuses on improving problem-solving, anger management, and impulse control.
  • Family Therapy or Parent Management Therapy (PMT): Educating parents on positive reinforcement and improving communication with their children.
  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): Evidence-based therapy that focuses on teaching positive behaviors and reducing disruptive actions.

We incorporate speech therapy, occupational therapy, and behavioral and social skills training in a manner that will enable your child with the tools necessary to deal with their emotions and behavior.

Our First Steps program gets you started with a free comprehensive consultation including Speech, Occupational and Social Skills Assessments. From there, we will design a plan of therapy specifically for your child.

Schedule your free consultation with us today on WhatsApp at +971 55 524 1094.