Esperanza – Providing World Class Speech and Occupational Therapy

Does My Child Need Speech and Language Therapy?

speech and language Therapy

Watching your child grow and learn to communicate is a joyful experience, but it’s natural to feel worried if their speech or language skills don’t seem to be progressing as expected. Communication develops rapidly during early childhood, and while some children naturally take a bit longer to hit milestones, delays can sometimes indicate that additional support is needed.

At Esperanza Speech and Occupational Therapy Centre in Dubai, We realize how daunting these concerns might be. The great news is that you are not alone and there are things you can do to assist your child to succeed.  This guide will enable you to find out the essential milestones, differentiate between speech and language, and determine the time when it is necessary to obtain professional assistance.

What Makes Speech Different From Language?

Let’s define speech and language, two concepts that are frequently used interchangeably, before getting into what to watch out for.

  • Speech means how we say or articulate the words. It is common for infants to make mistakes in certain sounds or words that they are learning, and therefore, a certain amount of unintelligibility.
  • Language is the knowledge and application of words to describe thoughts, desires, and emotions. Even before they start talking, toddlers communicate using linguistic skills such as pointing or gesturing. In early infancy, it is more necessary to focus on language development than on flawless pronunciation, as clear speaking typically follows.

Signs Your Child Might Need Therapy

Children develop at their own speed, although some milestones are anticipated to be reached at specific ages.

Here are some signs of possible delays to watch for:

Language Development Concerns

If your child has difficulty with any of the following, it may be a sign of a language delay:

  • 3–6 months: Unable to react to social interactions or smile.
  • 4–10 months: Not babbling.
  • 7–12 months: Making a few noises or pointing motions.
  • 7 months–2 years: Struggling to understand words or follow simple instructions.
  • 12–18 months: Saying only a handful of words.
  • 1.5–3 years: Not combining words into short phrases or sentences.
  • 2–3 years: Struggling to play or communicate with peers.
  • 2.5–3 years: Facing challenges with early reading and writing skills, such as pointing to pictures in books or enjoying rhymes.

Speech Development Concerns

You may notice speech difficulties if your child:

  • 1–2 years of age: Has difficulties with sounds such as ‘p,’ ‘b,’ ‘m,’ ‘h,’ or ‘w.’
  • 2–3 years: Such kids find it difficult to say sounds like “k,”  “g,” “f,” “t,”
  • 2–3 years: speaks incoherently, making it hard for even familiar individuals to understand them.

When to Seek Professional Help?

When your child fails to attain these milestones or when you are concerned about their development. It is never too early to seek a speech-language pathologist. Early interventions might be extremely helpful in developing your child’s communication skills and letting him or her get over any difficulties.

Therapists in Esperanza will go through the evaluation of a deep nature to spot what your child is good at and what needs to be addressed. Based on this, we’ll create a tailored therapy plan to support their development.

Helping Your Children at Home

You have a significant role in helping your child develop their speech and language skills as a parent. Here are a few easy methods to promote growth:

  • Discuss and narrate: Introduce to them your daily routine and ask for names of things around him.
  • Engage in play: Play activities such as pretending, singing, and reading make learning fun and engaging.
  • Patient: Let your child speak whatever he likes and even praise the effort by taking no interest in the words.

Our staff is there to help you at every stage if you need further advice or resources.

Track Your Child’s Progress

In case you have any issues or are in doubt about your child’s development kindly contact us. To get our free Speech and Language Milestone Checklist to assist you understand your child’s progress, simply WhatsApp us at +971 55 524 1094.  This simple tool can help you monitor your child’s growth and identify areas where they may need further assistance. At Esperanza Speech and Occupational Therapy Centre, we are committed to providing expert advice and tailored treatment to help your child realize their greatest potential.


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