Esperanza – Providing World Class Speech and Occupational Therapy

How to tell if a two-year-old has autism?

Recognising Signs of Autism in Children

Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that can significantly shape a child’s growth, communication, and social interactions. Recognising the early signs is essential for providing timely support and intervention, helping children reach their full potential. Understanding these signs empowers parents and caregivers to take proactive steps toward their child’s development.

Autism Symptoms in Young Children

Among the early warning signs of autism in young children are:

  • Not reacting when someone calls their name.
  • Not making eye contact or making only a few facial gestures.
  • Failing to return a grin when someone else does
  • Severe responses to particular odors, sounds, or textures
  • Performing repeated motions like body swaying, finger flicking, or hand flapping
  • Speaking more slowly or with fewer words than kids their age
  • Insufficient or nonexistent imaginary play
  • Using words or phrases repeatedly in talks that don’t make sense


Autism Symptoms in Elderly Children

Autism symptoms might change as a child gets older.  These might consist of:

  • Inability to comprehend the feelings and opinions of others
  • Speaking oddly, such as repeating words or using formal, organized language.
  • An intense demand for regularity and anxiety when it is disrupted
  • Intense and concentrated interest in particular subjects or pursuits
  • Having trouble following directions or being very resistant to change
  • Having trouble forming or sustaining connections or wanting to be alone yourself
  • Interpreting words too literally and having trouble with figures of speech (for example, not grasping expressions like “break a leg”)
  • Having trouble expressing or recognizing their feelings


Autism Disparities Between Boys and Girls

Girls with autism may appear differently, making diagnosis more challenging.  Girls with autism may:

  • To fit in with their peers, they mimic social behaviors.
  • When faced with overwhelming circumstances, retreat.
  • Despite underlying issues, they seem to handle social situations better than boys.
  • Display fewer repeated behaviors than guys with autism.
  • Due to these distinctions, autism in girls is occasionally disregarded or identified later.


Looking for Assistance in Dubai

You should consult a specialist if you suspect your child has autism.  You can speak with:

  • The pediatrician or physician for your kid
  • An occupational therapist or speech-language pathologist
  • The special education teachers at the school where your kid attends
  • An expert in development

At Esperanza in Dubai, we help kids realize their full potential by offering professional evaluations and evidence-based treatment.  Children can acquire critical social, communicative, and everyday life skills with the support of early diagnosis and intervention.


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